Yellow Cashmere Mustard


This scarf in 100% pure wool, 100% strong, is a unique yellow scarf in the world. It is made of 100% pure wool and has a yellow colour. It has been made in only one specimen that you may be the only one to acquire. Handmade in Nepal, it is the fruit of the work and passion of the best Nepalese craftsmen. Made in the high mountains, the wool produced is incredibly soft and warm. You will see that once around your neck, you have never felt such happiness, such warmth, such softness, such thickness and at the same time such lightness. Each pashmina is sent wrapped in a sublime silk organza pouch, elegant, ready to offer.

Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm
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Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm
  • Material100% Cashmere
  • Dimensions75 x 210 cm
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Écharpe orange cachemire homme et femme

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

This oversized maxi scarf in cashmere wool can be worn as well as any other scarf, tied around the neck. But you can also divert it to wear it as a stole or a shawl. Tuck it underneath or under your clothes depending on the warmth and the desired style effect! A timeless scarf with a quality that is unique in the world.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Yellow Cashmere Mustardpictogramme conseil de lavage du Yellow Cashmere Mustardpictogramme conseil de sechage du Yellow Cashmere Mustardpictogramme conseil de chlorage du Yellow Cashmere Mustardpictogramme conseil de repassage du Yellow Cashmere Mustard
  • Wash your pure cashmere pashmina by hand. We always recommend using a shampoo specifically designed for wool. The pashmina should be dried flat. Remember to call a professional if you have any doubts about washing and do not want to take any risks, it is more serious.