Chocolate Scarf


In Stock - Fast Delivery

So soft, warm and luminous, this scarf in lamb's wool will be a stylish addition to your wardrobe. With its soft chocolate brown colour, it will bring you all the softness and delicate warmth you are looking for for winter. Offered in limited edition, there are only a few pieces available for winter. So if you are looking for a gift idea to offer or to treat yourself, don't miss this model which is one of the season's favourites! A quality scarf, timeless, chic and sensual. The large 100% lambswool scarf is sent in its beautiful pouch, ready to offer. This item is at a reduced price as it is the last items of the 2018 collection.

Dimensions : 30 x 150Cm

  • In stock Warranty
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • last item!!
  • Gift wrapping and customizable message*
Dimensions : 30 x 150Cm
  • Material100% Lambswool
  • Dimensions30 x 150Cm

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

This scarf will be worn close to the neck for maximum warmth and softness. One of the prettiest knots that you can easily make is the loop knot or slip knot which consists of folding your wool scarf in half lengthwise and then widthwise and pass the two sides together in the loop thus formed with the scarf.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Chocolate Scarfpictogramme conseil de lavage du Chocolate Scarfpictogramme conseil de sechage du Chocolate Scarfpictogramme conseil de chlorage du Chocolate Scarfpictogramme conseil de repassage du Chocolate Scarf
  • To clean your scarf quickly and easily, start by preparing a cold water bath with a special detergent for wool. Stir and soak your tartan for a few minutes. Rinse it gently and then press to wring out.