Kashmir Bronze


In Stock - Fast Delivery

In limited edition, this pashmina, strong>>a href="https://www.pashminacachemire.com/en/9-cashmere">cashmere scarf in light brown beige colour in real cashmere comes straight from this region of the world, the Indian cashmere. Entirely woven by hand according to traditional craftsmanship, this exceptional pashmina has nothing comparable. Be the only one to own this super pashmina with its softness and incredible warmth. A brown scarf made of high quality cashmere wool that you will never leave, a luxury pashmina, rare and precious. The large cashmere scarf is sent in its beautiful pouch, ready to offer. This pashmina is at a reduced price as it is the last copy of the old 2018 collection of our cashmeres.

Dimensions : 70 x 200 cm

  • In stock Warranty
  • Silk Gift Wrap
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • last item!!
  • Gift wrapping and customizable message*
Dimensions : 70 x 200 cm
  • Material100% Cashmere
  • Dimensions70 x 200 cm

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

To accessorize an evening gown, a real cashmere pashmina would be perfect. You can put it on your shoulders and fix it with a nice fashion brooch. Or another alternative is to simply put it on your lower back and pass the ends over your arms at the elbows, it's ultra glamorous.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Kashmir Bronzepictogramme conseil de lavage du Kashmir Bronzepictogramme conseil de sechage du Kashmir Bronzepictogramme conseil de chlorage du Kashmir Bronzepictogramme conseil de repassage du Kashmir Bronze
  • A pashmina made of >a href="https://www.pashminacachemire.com/blog/matiere/cachemire/">cashmere wool is beautiful thanks to its suppleness, softness and shine. It is therefore important to take good care to clean it gently so that it retains all its virtues. The hand cleaning in a bath of warm water and with a soft detergent is the most recommended to keep this softness.