Punjabi Kashmir


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You will fall under the spell of this splendid scarf made of pure cashmere wool. Hand woven in a traditional way, this beautiful scarf is both large and wide. Soft, light and airy, it is of high quality. It takes weeks of work by the best Indian cashmere artisans to weave it entirely by hand. The wool selected to make this scarf is the longest and softest cashmere goat fibre. Only this quality of wool makes it possible to make such beautiful cashmere that only craftsmen can offer... a few pieces a year! A unique scarf in the world not to be missed !

Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm

  • In stock Warranty
  • Silk Gift Wrap
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • Last items in stock
  • Gift wrapping and customizable message*
Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm
  • Material100% Cashmere
  • Dimensions75 x 210 cm

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

For a man, you will wear your cashmere like a scarf. We suggest you tie it with a slip knot or a loop knot to optimize the heat against your neck and keep you warm. Also to make a trendy and stylish knot, pass your pashmina behind your back and bring the two front sides back to the bust, it is very nice with a jacket for example, in mid season. To tie your cashmere in a feminine way, do not hesitate to unfold it on your shoulders and to wrap yourself inside, it is very sensual.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Punjabi Kashmirpictogramme conseil de lavage du Punjabi Kashmirpictogramme conseil de sechage du Punjabi Kashmirpictogramme conseil de chlorage du Punjabi Kashmirpictogramme conseil de repassage du Punjabi Kashmir
  • For those who really want to wash their cashmere by hand, we can only recommend that you wash it by hand. In cold water with a special shampoo for wool fibre. Do not leave to soak and wring out gently. Dry flat in a terry towel. We remind you that if you have any doubts, leave it to a professional. We can only recommend that you wash your stole in a dry-cleaning machine. We recommend that you wash your stole in a dry-cleaning machine. This will avoid all the worries that can occur with wool if the correct hand cleaning instructions, including drying, are not followed.</