Colonel Mustard Scarf


You'll love this beautiful insulating scarf made of lamb's wool and softness. A flagship piece of this winter collection with its beautiful intense mustard yellow colour, it will boost your style in the blink of an eye and even your darkest outfits will take on a glow of warmth. On your coats, your jackets, this scarf will open out wonderfully with all your trendiest outfits. Simple, elegant and design, you won't like any other, there is only this one ! don't hesitate to mix it with all your classic outfits, the simplest as well as the most original. A scarf both elegant and contemporary, so chic. The large 100% lambswool scarf is sent in its beautiful pouch, ready to offer.

Dimensions : 30 x 150Cm
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Dimensions : 30 x 150Cm
  • Material100% Lambswool
  • Dimensions30 x 150Cm
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Écharpe en laine jaune moutarde

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

And why not wear your scarf in an original way for example as a tie around the neck with a side that will be longer than the other and placed on the bust. Also you can make a classic tie knot. In feminine you will wear your scarf in the Grace Kelly style by wrapping the purchase around your neck with a front and a back part.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Colonel Mustard Scarfpictogramme conseil de lavage du Colonel Mustard Scarfpictogramme conseil de sechage du Colonel Mustard Scarfpictogramme conseil de chlorage du Colonel Mustard Scarfpictogramme conseil de repassage du Colonel Mustard Scarf
  • Nothing could be easier! Follow the advice with caution, however, because it is necessary to respect the wool by not washing it at high temperature but with warm water. Also for the spin-drying of your scarf, remember not to wring it and to dry it flat, always avoiding ironing or with a cloth on it. To know more about how to wear yellow.