King Pashmina


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A thick and soft electric blue scarf for men and women, fashionable and soft blue scarf for men and women, fashionable and soft blue scarf for men and women. The softness of wool, cashmere and the silkiness of this handmade scarf, not found elsewhere. A royal blue scarf is absolutely essential to match your entire wardrobe. Wrap yourself in softness and tenderness with this beautiful scarf, soft, chic and warm. Each blue pashmina is sent wrapped in a sublime organza pouch, elegant, ready to offer.

Dimensions : 70 x 200 cm

  • In stock Warranty
  • Silk Gift Wrap
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • Last items in stock
  • Gift wrapping and customizable message*
Dimensions : 70 x 200 cm
  • Material30% Cashmere, 20% Wool, 50% Viscose
  • Dimensions70 x 200 cm
  • ColorBlue

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

The blue pashmina pashmina can put a bohemian side to your look, just place it around your neck and tie the ends on the front in a falsely messy way. This kind of knot made in a hurry will give you volume, which looks great especially on a small sweater over or under a fitted jacket.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du King Pashminapictogramme conseil de lavage du King Pashminapictogramme conseil de sechage du King Pashminapictogramme conseil de chlorage du King Pashminapictogramme conseil de repassage du King Pashmina
  • The blue pashmina is a luxury and quality item and it is necessary to take into consideration its fragile material to ensure the necessary care on a daily basis. For day to day care, remember to keep it flat or hanging, away from sunlight, keep it dry and away from dust.